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Tryslmaistan is a fractal universe with a diameter of a few lightyears, containing triangular worldplates inside a breathable atmosphere. It has a host of native species that are naturally present in every worldplate.


Tryslmaistan is a cyclical, steady state universe. It has always existed and always will. Every several hundred years beings from another universe are transported by the Multiversal Rain phenomenon to a single worldplate. The actions of these aliens causes one worldplate to collapse, which fall on other worldplates, and so on. This form of Kessler Syndrome is known as stormfall. Eventually the entire universe is ground to rubble and reassembles into its natural state.

Humans arrived on Myrmil and eventually destroyed it through a successful experiment in interdimensional travel, accidentally creating the Pastel arcduct as well. The survivors formed the pact of Myrmil between the Alchemist and Wiccan factions, and moved from worldplate to worldplate, leaving whenever the stormfall caught up with them.

Three hundred thousand years later on Gryrnu, a superintelligent human named Chou Yaru proved her conspiracy theory that this was happening, and realized that the finite size of the universe made it an unsustainable plan. After stowing away with her adoptive mother on the next evacuation ship, she chemically enslaved the native jellese population to overthrow the leading factions before human society could restabilize. With humanity no longer caught in this cycle, it was possible for the humans and jellese to establish a spacefaring population with technological advancements necessary to survive stormfall.

After the end of the stormfall threat, the multiversal rain brought Burangidaeni to be embraced by the rapidly advancing humanoJellese civilization. Worldplates began to be converted into Dai-Saan Triangles to harvest every bit of electanic radiation for the benefit of the approaching technological singularity. Tryslmaistan became the head of an alliance between interdimensional civilizations. Eventually even the fully harvested universe was too limiting for these beings. It was abandoned and left as an unchanging lattice of electanic absorption systems.

However, Kaye Haychold, an acquaintance of Chou Yaru, used a modified multiversal travel device to exploit the superior technology of the distant future. Her crew comitted a violent mutiny to prevent her plans from being realized. What was left was Chou herself in the form of the post-singularity being "OoO" and a CURSOR computer interface. The CURSOR uploaded copies of herself into work robots to begin her efforts in demolishing the Dai-Saan Triangles. Once the veils were free to reduce entropy, the failing CURSOR gave its "children" one last commandment: "be good".



Arrangement of worldplates in Tryslmaistan.

The entire space of Tryslmaistan is filled with a stagnant atmosphere of tranium, parbon and hurium. The equivalent formation to planets are worldplates, floating landmasses possessing an internal sea and orbited by spheres of the luminous elements solarine and noctrium.

The "veils" between worldplates are the true analogues to suns in Tryslmaistan. The invisible electanic radiation emitted by veils reverses entropy and feeds life. This also stabilizes the universe at a homogeneous room temperature rather than a roasting heat death. The sides of a veil emit ectanic radiation of the charges pii and yse, and the edges emit nin ectanism.

Fundamental Physics[]


The spacetime of Tryslmaistan has a fractally structured "grain" to it that positions the veils, and through it, the locations where entropic reduction forms worldplates.

Tryslmaistan has been stretched in a way that makes "down" an objective direction, replacing gravity with linovection. This affects objects based on horizontal area instead of mass, Tryslmaistan's version of the Pisa experiment shows that a balloon falls with more speed and force than a pebble. Extremely small and large objects, as well as certain substances, are immune to linovection.

As an Aeryx universe, it's likely that time passes by much more quickly on Tryslmaistan than Earthlike universes.

Tryslmeric Charge[]

The equivalent to electromagnetism is the electanic radiation that permeates Tryslmaistan. Unlike electricity it has three charges; pii, nin and yse. The charges interact with each other in a rock-paper-scissors formation. Each charge cancels out one and absorbs its force.

Triangular polyhedra are the dominant shape in Tryslmaistan. Worldplates and grains of sand alike convey this. The analogue to atoms are tratons, made from intersecting geometric planes of pure energy stabilized by the background Tryslmeric charge.

"Light" exists in the form of lumons, but only as something to sense with. These particles aren't strong enough to be ionizing or metabolized. Vision based off of lumons is also extremely distorted compared to its photonic counterpart because of its erratic interactions with the human eye's chemicals.
